Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Feeling Rushed

I barely have time to make an entry on my blog. Even so, I think I should add a few more electrons here. Also, I am not "feeling" inspired; in fact, I feel rushed.

Last Friday, I had to wrap up my last two projects for my very last course at Baker University. I also had to pack for myself and my son, as we were heading to Chicago for the weekend. Four-year-olds are hard to pack for; the clothes part is easy, but the entertainment part requires extensive knowledge, intricate strategy, and psychic ability. Luckily, my son is mostly happy if he keeps moving and we planned on moving constantly through the weekend.

Saturday, I had to get to Chicago. I had to share the car with my mother, which has been difficult in the past. To be fair, I am sure it has been less easy to share a planet with me, never mind sharing a car. My mother and I get along MUCH better today than in the past, and I can honestly say that this weekend was fantastic because I spent time with mom, regardless of where we went and what we did. Even though I enjoyed the company and the journey, I felt rushed all day Saturday to arrive.

Sunday, we had to go pack up and check out of the hotel early, and then make it to church for a christening. After that, we had to go to a party at a relative's house. We needed to get on the road by 3-ish because we had to get to the next hotel in Bloomington, IL (home of Colonel Henry Blake). I had to be on the Internet by 7:00 PM for a fantasy football draft (for which I was not prepared). That makes Sunday a day to rush through and accomplish, not to relax and enjoy.

By the way, I also had to keep up with my son all weekend. That alone will make you feel rushed. Keeping him fed, entertained, and safe is the equivalent of 4 full-time jobs. Keeping him clean and presentable is a losing battle. Keeping my wits and sanity is not an option.

On Monday, we had to get back to KC. I was starting a new class at 6pm. I had also agreed to help a co-worker with a night-time job at a business that was on the other side of town. The trip from Illinois took six hours or so. I was able to unpack and unwind a little, then I was off to class. I was in class long enough to pick up the syllabus and apologize to the instructor for being late and leaving early--great first impression. Then I headed to Independence, MO, and spent an hour there. By the time I got home, I was high on adrenaline and a little loopy.

Today, I had a full plate at work, but it went well. I have to finish two assignments tonight before class tomorrow night (my class is M W 6-8pm). I also promised myself a little exercise and some time with my daughter, who missed the trip due to school and felt left out.

Tomorrow, I head for Manhattan, KS. I also have a detailed project in Olathe to complete. And I have class at 6. I feel rushed. I am getting everything done, but I am definitely stretching thin. However, I know from experience that if I had just relaxed this week after completing my Baker courses last week, I would now be in a funk, feeling lost and unproductive.

I am looking forward to Thursday, when I should be able to be a vegetable and catch up on some reading. I have been dying to read something that has nothing to do with work or school. I have two months worth of National Geographic to catch up on. I am 100 pages into a novel that is interesting, but I never have time. Last week, I felt the need to check out "Eats, Shoots & Leaves" from the library. The first chapter is hilarious and informative, and I cannot wait to be able to read it uninterrupted someday.

This weekend, I have nothing planned. No goals, no deadlines, no appointments, no reservations. I can do anything I want; the world is my oyster. I will probably get nothing done and feel terrible about it. That will lead me to overbook in the future to prevent the "wasted" weekend.

I wonder if I can take a class in relaxing and setting realistic expectations? Maybe they make a pill for that? Will I feel like I accomplished something after my first heart-attack?

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