Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Good Blog Is Hard To Find

I have tried to find blogs by people like me who are writing about things I am interested in. I haven't spent all day at it because I don't have a lot of time. However, it should be easier than my experience is proving to be. I am having trouble finding blogs that are personal. When I search on Google Blog Search or Technorati I run into one business blog after another. I am not against businesses having blogs, but why is it that when something gets popular on the Internet it ends up clogged with garbage from websites that are trying to sell something.

This experience is a departure from my post on Capitalism is Bad. In this case, Capitalism on the Internet ends not in Corporations but in individuals creating marketing chaos. Have you checked your email lately? How do those Viagra people keep getting my address? I have never ordered, and never needed, Viagra, Cialis, Enlargement, pictures of your ex, am online mortgage, or any of the other crap that I get bombarded with on the Internet regularly. Everybody should have an equal opportunity to make their fortune online in this brave, new Flat World. Even so, I can't find the things I want and need because of all the fake and blatant links out there.

I cannot imagine a world without Capitalism; I would fight to the death before that ever happens. However, I can imagine an Internet without Capitalism. I don't know how it would be implemented, but it would be a beautiful thing.

Anyhow, I have difficulty finding interesting, personal blogs regarding my interests specifically or interesting topics in general; I find a lot of sales blogs, outdated blogs, and blogs in Spanish (which is fine, except I can only read 10% of the page).

I found a good one yesterday. When a person left a comment on my blog, I went looking for theirs. I was pleasantly surprised to find a blog written by their dog, and it is funny. The dog is owned by a fellow Marine, the dog is a boxer like one I grew up with, and I love anthropomorphizing my own dogs, so that brings it close to home for me.

The author is funny, but they also do something important when they take the dog's perspective: they see the world differently. A few weeks ago I posted the word of the day as Cynomorphic, which is to view the world with canine ideas. This blog reminds me of how valuable that can be sometimes.

The dog makes the statements such as "i don't like the third row of the car. what happened? why don't you roll the windows down back there?" I forget that my dogs have preferences, and that little things make a big difference in their lives. There really is no point in me keeping dogs if I am not going to improve their lives, so assuming cynomorphism occasionally will make a big difference in at least two lives. Who knows, I may even learn something that will improve my own life.

A Day In The Life

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi everybody

just registered and put on my todo list

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.