Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Financial Blog

I found an interesting blog today that I will be keeping an eye on in the future. It is written by a financial planner/investment adviser who appears to have a conservative and down-to-earth outlook—we need more of these kinds of people in the financial arena. I am not recommending his advice at this point, I am just recommending his writing. He is an interesting writer who makes the reader think, stays to the point, and holds the reader’s interest. If nothing else, perhaps I could learn these writing secrets as I read his work.

Russell Bailyn says that “Buy, Hold and Forget” is the way to go in this volatile stock market of 4th quarter 2007 — good advice to avoid getting burned in market-timing as the market swings for little or no reason each day. More importantly, he makes a great point that gets overlooked by nay-saying negative-nancies: A weakened dollar is good for you if you are selling dollar-denominated products. For instance: if you are US Manufacturing, you are getting a boost now from a weaker dollar. If you are selling real-estate, you have more buyers from foreign markets (which is called FDI and is necessary for economic growth.) An increase in buyers helps to keep prices from dropping to unreasonable levels by rising the demand to meet supply.

I have more to say about supply, demand, naysayer’s, economic prognostication, and the like. Since my local college football team (KU), NFL Team (Chiefs), and fantasy football team are all letting me down, I am able to commit more brain cells to economics. Perhaps that is a good thing, but I sure like having bragging rights in football conversations.

I first found Russell’s article here:

However, Russell’s blog is located here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whispering...there's a graduation present for you over at my blog. :)